The HEAR NOW Music Festival is so happy to be going back to live performances for our Eleventh Annual Hear Now Music Festival for 2022! This year’s festival will be featuring: UCLA Philharmonia, The Lyris Quartet, Brightwork newmusic along with many other fine musicians from Los Angeles.
Please support our Kickstarter and help us continually showcase this invaluable music.
In case you missed last year’s festival —The Virtues of the Virtual – as our 10-year Anniversary Festival. You can still hear those 27 compositions for free here! HEAR NOW 2021 FESTIVAL of New Music by Contemporary Los Angeles Composers, in collaboration with People Inside Electronics. Will Showcase fabulous chamber music, mind-boggling electroacoustic music, performed by some of Los Angeles’ finest musicians, including the resident ensembles: The Lyris Quartet, Brightwork newmusic, and HEX vocal ensemble. You can enjoy all piece in our virtual festival @Here@
Check out LA Review of Books’ interview with Hugh Levick about our upcoming festival and history!
In response to Covid-19, HEAR NOW Thursdays brings you special works from past festivals. Click here.
Composed by Thea Musgrave
Performed by TM +
Gilles Burgos, piccolo Julien le Pape, piano
Watch our 2020 e-festival here. HEAR NOW brings you selections from our previous festivals online
April 23: UCLA Philharmonia, Neal Stulberg, conductor: selections from the 2018 HEAR NOW/Philharmonia program:
Peter Knell: Lines / Angles
Jeffrey Holmes: Tjur
Bruce Broughton: Salmagundi (with The Lyris Quartet as soloists)
Click here.
April 24: Electroacoustic program in collaboration with People Inside Electronics
featuring Brightwork newmusic
Selections from past PIE/HN programs:
Liviu Marinescu: Bent
Cristina Lord: 24
John Christopher Dobrian: Point of No Arrival
Peter S. Chin: Screaming Shapes
Click here.
April 30: Chamber Music Concert with selections from past festivals including:
John Adams: Road Music
Andrew Moses: see everything the sun glow
Reena Esmail: Teen Murti
Click here
May 1: Chamber Music Program curated from past festivals
Saad Haddad: Kamen Fantasy
Kay Kyurim Rhie: Threshold
Vera Ivanova: Quiet Light
Patrick O’Malley: Abjoyndon Crest
Click here
May 2: Chamber Music Program curated from past festivals
Mark Lanz Weiser: Flash
Andrew Norman: Mine, Mime, Meme
Alan Shockley: candlepin.bowling.deadwood
Fahad Siadat: The Vast Sea
Gernot Wolfgang: Route 33
Click here
May 3: Chamber Music Program curated from past festivals
William Kraft: Concerto for Percussion and Chamber Ensemble
Nina Shekhar: Quirkhead
Dante De Silva: Hungry
Karen Tanaka: Water and Stone
Russell Steinberg: Subterranean Dance
Click here
Hear Now strives to achieve equity and inclusiveness by reaching out in an Open Call to all composers in the area. We seek to reflect cultural equity, equality and inclusiveness in the diversity of its performers, outreach to its audiences and students, and the makeup of its board and staff.
Check out videos from the previous years!
How are works selected for the Hear Now Music Festival?
More about HEAR NOW
Learn more about our first Hear Now-sponsored commissioned composer: Nina Shekhar
Harmony Project Students Reflect on Hear Now Workshop and Concert
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